Title:「Sony Honda Mobility’s Purpose」

《Music playing》

《Clouds cross dawning sky. Back of woman looking at the sea.》
Narration : Someone had the urge to go beyond the horizon.

《Wide open scene, sunrise on the horizon.》
Narration : Someone had the courage to cross the ocean.

《Clouds move rapidly, woman begins to walk while looking at the sea.》
Narration : People have never stood still.

《Movement through forest, valley, country road, highway.》
Narration : Movement is our instinct, our impulse, our desire.

《Man looking at the instant of dawn.》
Narration : Now, we want people to enjoy a new kind of mobility.

《A straight road through an expansive plain.》
Narration : Mobility that leads

《Birds fly across a forest at night, stars cross the night sky.》
Narration : to emotions not yet known,

《Light moves within dark forest.》
Narration : to a society not yet seen.

《Light travels along country road at cloudy dawn.》
《Woman starts walking towards the dawn.》
Narration : Through inspired connections between technology and the senses,

《Light travels towards dawn along a straight road in grassland.》
《Man walking along dawn road, looks intensely at the light.》
Narration : we give mobility a new set of emotions and awaken your instinct.

《Woman watches the instant of dawn.》
Narration : The horizon lies within. Find yours.

《Text:Sony Honda Mobility’s Purpose ” Move people, through the pursuit of innovation with diverse inspirations.”》
Narration : Move people, through the pursuit of innovation with diverse inspirations.

《“Sony Honda Mobility” text displayed》

《Music ends》

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